CINEAK’s collection of acoustical fabrics can be used over both acoustical treatments and speakers. Our range of acoustical fabrics is designer-friendly and specially woven and tested.

The CINEAK collection features a wide variety of patterns and colors.
Fabric transparency testing
CINEAK fabrics have been tested by independent, third-party research firms for fabric transparency. The fabrics were tested for transmission loss associated with covering speakers, sound absorbers and diffusers. These test results have been published and can be requested by contacting our office.
The data shown are the result of the actual tests and show the transparency of CINEAK fabrics compared to speaker grille cloth. A gain of zero represents no change with or without the reference grille cloth in place. The error bars in Figure 1, showing one standard deviation over 10 measurements, indicate that measurement precision is negligible compared to the microphone inaccuracy tolerance of 0.5 dB.
Figure 2 illustrates the performance region of CINEAK fabrics compared to speaker grille cloth. To understand the numbers, in the frequency range above 5 kHz where fabrics can introduce attenuation, a 1 dB change is barely audible, a 3 dB change is perceptible and a 6 dB is very perceptible. Test results show that the CINEAK speaker version fabrics have a transparency that is less than 1dB at 5KHz, and is therefore not audible.
Fabric Transparency Test Report provided by Chesapeake Acoustics Research Institute, LLC.

Stretching the fabric
CINEAK system consists of a set of engineered profiles or tracks that provide a framework between which an interliner or acoustic absorber is provided. Fabric is then dressed and stretched aut into the interlocking jaws of the framed track providing an immaculate finish. The track systems can be fitted to any wall or ceiling surface including uneven substrates. We have a wide range of profiles of varying depths and sections which facilitate unlimited design solutions,including irregular and complex shapes, curved surfaces, grid patterns and shadow gap details.

Perimeter track

Mid Seam track

What goes behind
The acoustical treatment of a home theater will typically focus on
absorption, diffusion and reflection.
In order to address those, you can use your own solutions or CINEAK can offer different materials that can be put behind the stretched fabric.